Meeting the Mystical in the Garden with Chiqui Woolworth

S1E9: Meeting the Mystical in the Garden with Chiqui Woolworth


In this episode, my Dad and I welcome our first special guest, Chiqui Woolworth, into the heart garden. Chiqui was one of my Mom’s best friends, and has been an incredibly important person in my life since I was a child. She was the first person to really teach me about the mystical, and in so doing, really supported me in developing a relationship with the mystical in everyday life. In looking into the origins of the word “Mystic,” it comes from the Greek word ‘mystikos’, which means "secret, mystic, connected with the mysteries.”

At the beginning of the episode, we reference one of the founders of the French surrealist movement, Paul Éluard, with his insight, “There is another world, and it is inside this one.” We start from this place, because we believe this sentiment encompasses the foundation of mystical awareness. Moving into an intentional conversation about the mystical, we then share about how we have each come to develop a relationship with the world inside this one.

Key Takeaways:

  • We can all connect to the mystical in our lives.

  • Being open to the mystical in everyday life can awaken us to the infinite connection between souls, especially those souls who are no longer physically present with us. 

  • Having an intentional relationship with the mystical, can help us in our grief healing journeys through offering us peace and wonder, in moments of synchronicity.

  • To deepen into a relationship with the mystical, it is important to express gratitude to the Divine, when you have those moments of mystical connection. 

  • The more open you are to the mystical, the more you can co-create in Miracles with the Divine.


Heart Gardening, a father-daughter podcast where Jasmin and Robert explore the transformative power of open, honest dialogue in healing relationships – especially in families. Hosted by Jasmin, this podcast tells the story of their reconnection journey after nearly 15 years apart.

To support our journey, before each episode we choose a flower essence from Lotus Wei and a card from Alyson Charles’ Animal Power Deck: 75 Animals to Awaken Your Personal Magic

Follow our podcast on Instagram @heartgardeningpodcast

Read more about Jasmin here and Robert here

Learn more about Fall Up and our podcast: visit website

Music: “Open Doors” by Trevor Hall (licensed from Trevor Hall)

Hosted on Libsyn


Bonus: Reflections on Spring & Forgiveness


Bonus: Reflections on Episodes 1 - 8